How Zapal spent Summer 2024
Not much to say, the title speaks loudly about itself.

We started our blog and immediately dove deeply into hard work and stopped writing in here at all, and we're sorry! Well, the best to come back is NOW, thus here we are))
When we were young, at school, we got used to writing essays on the first days of school about our summer.
Time goes by, yet, the habit of writing such stories remained. Adulthood calls it “reflection”.
IT says “retrospective”.
I named it “How Zapal spent summer 2024”.
Spoiler: definitely NOT how we expected it to be.
“In a good way or bad?”, — you might ask and receive no answer of ours... Sorry, NDA, you know 😁
Let's start with something more easy-peasy: we got our CEO illustrated and created a merch with him.
Btw, we also created a bit more official merch for Zapal team, as well, but it was already in September. Thus we decided not to misinform you.

Case studies and smth more to come
The summer for Zapal started with one more project from one of UN departments in Ukraine. As usually, our developers were pleased to be able to help with our tech skills such a huge and impactful organization, especially for our state.
Oh, and as for our previous projects — we did finally post a few of our new case studies with design and development for socially important projects and NGO's.
Yet, we're preparing 4 more to share, soon! Stay tuned for that!
And a bit more to some business and BIG NEWS!
So this summer, we got Zapal's first Clutch verified review! That's like a huge deal for us. Receiving 5/5 for all the points of estimation is enormous, as we always strive to achieve excellence in our performance.
While we were working and writing this article we also got one more review, just's right here waiting for your look.
Moreover, Zapal is in Top-10 list of Svelte developers due to Clutch!

That's 🙂🤌
E-commerce platform, French market and Software for archive database
Summer 2024 brought to life the development of the first e-commerce platform in Ukraine on Payload CMS.
OYCHA is the long-term partner of ours we've been working with for the past year. This company is totally a fan of innovation and strive for the highest-quality services for their customers. Thus, the moment we proposed OYCHA to move from WordPress and develop the fast, and flexible platform the instant answer was igniting “Yes”.
Our tech team also managed to develop the genealogical archive database system for the Repin's Compatriots project by Art-Memorial museum. You will learn about it as soon as we post the case study!
July for us was also the time of getting to know more French market and developing for Resovalie France.
All we can say for now — more to come, stay tuned for the case study!
(yeah, we will share the full info as soon as we have time and energy to create the new case study...but for now, here's a tiny element of that work we love the most)

The summer for Zapal was mostly focused on working with our clients and developing their projects. Still, we managed to implement our first and foremost PDP for our team, aka Personal Development Plan. Long story short, for now on we're on track with the progress of the team members and everyone can see the changes and what needs to be done to make them happen for growth (and to prevent the burnout ofc).
IT Ukraine Association
“The IT Ukraine Association has completed the company selection process for the newly established AgriTech, CyberTech, FinTech and EdTech Industry Committees”, — and as you might have guessed Zapal became part of FinTech and EdTech Industry Committees. Here is the article from IT Ukraine about this news.
“During the series of strategic meetings spanning the next half of the year, the participating companies will exchange their experience, single out the challenges arising in the financial and educational technologies, as well as productively work on developing the mapping, strengthening the expertise and shaping series of initiatives per each vertical.” — IT Ukraine Association mentions on their blog.
We've been already through two strategic sessions and our team is glad to commit for such an important and extreme topic.
You may read more on the works of committees on IT Ukraine Association's website, and we'll share the updates later on, too.
Ofc, here are some photos, we know you've been waiting for them!

Some public talks this summer
Our closing for summer 2024 was the invitation for the YouthForum as a panel discussion speakers (our first as founders experience of public events). It was definitely the moment we're glad to share our thoughts, and experience with the Youth of Ukraine, with those we believe are the change-makers of our future.

Zapal is also developing products within our company. Two of them are about to raise. Thus, we decided to apply for a Summer School of Entrepreneurship from the Seeds of Bravery and luckily got accepted.
Moreover, we've already finished our education and got more than only theoretical but the mentorship we needed.
And just like that, our summer ended with love to design and development.
New passion projects and a bit of tiredness, thus we went for a small vaca-vaca-vacation and see u soon with our new stories!